Life in Miami: Day 2

Tomorrow, June 20th, I’ll be starting my internship at Creative Artists Agency, one of the top three talent agencies in the world. I’ve been fortunate enough to have been offered an intern position in the music department in their Miami office.

The purpose of this blog has shifted a bit since this opportunity came into my life. Instead of starting a new blog, I will be using this one to share both music news AND my experiences throughout the summer. The latter will include interning at CAA, living in Miami, and traveling around Florida.

I left Houston Thursday afternoon with mixed emotions. I was excited because I’m naturally a curious person; the fact that I was going to be living in MiIMG_4632ami by myself was thrilling. I love road trips and the new experiences they provide. Plus, I’ve heard nothing but great things about Miami. On the other hand, I was sad to leave the people that I love the most. My family and friends have always been supportive of all of my decisions and actions no matter what the outcomes are. But to add to that, my mom and I got in a fight the day before I left so we didn’t say a last goodbye before I left. No words were exchanged. Saddening, but I had to leave.

I arrived Friday afternoon and met Cal, the owner of the house where I’m staying at. I’m using Airbnb because it’s convenient. He was very friendly when we first met and has been very encouraging since then. Anyway, back to the story. Friday I arrived a little after 3PM, came to my room and took a nap. I was exhausted from all the driving. As soon as I woke up, which was around 7PM, I drove down the street to get a sense of the neighborhood. Let me tell you, I was terrified. It seemed like a low-income neighborhood where stores had gates around them for extra security. This added more to the sadness and nervousness so I called my mom in the middle of a Walgreens’ parking lot and told her that I loved her. Yeah, you might think that it’s too emotional, but here’s a little secret no one knows about me: I’ve only been outside of Texas four times. 7th grade for a week-long class trip to Boston, 2014 for a family visit in Virginia, 2015’s spring break trip to Colorado with friends, and a day trip to Colorado again about a month ago. During those trips, I was with friends and/or family. I hope this puts into perspective the amount of fear and loneliness I was feeling Friday after I arrived.

Saturday I woke up feeling way better. I woke up feeling confident and ready to explore. I slept great the night before so maybe that’s all that I needed. I started by driving around the opposite side of the neighborhood and GEEZ! HUGE DIFFERENCE! I definitely felt safer and more at home. I then drove to the office I will be working at to familiarize myself with the roads and went shopping to caa-office-miami-topline-bb10-2016-billboard-650make sure I had everything ready. The office is about 10 minutes away from where I am staying and is centrally located in Miami Beach. The location is beautiful! I was screaming in my car from all the excitement running through my body. I drove around there for a bit and then decided to run errands to get on with the rest of my day. I drove to Aventura Mall and WOW! I read that morning that it’s the third largest mall in the United States and they were not kidding. I was getting exhausted from all the walking. At the end of the day, I jokingly told the friends I was texting to never remind me again of the emotional mess I was the day before.

Today was calmer. I woke up, laid in bed most of the morning and then drove around in the afternoon to do some last minute shopping. Let me tell you the following things: Walmart is not popular in Miami, Publix is Florida’s HEB, Office Depots are EVERYWHERE, and the Whole Foods are so small down here. Seems like I’ll have to adjust ASAP if I want to survive. But wait, tinsane-seniorhere’s more to the list: people down here are crazy drivers, it randomly rains every day for maybe 20-30 minutes and then the sun comes out again, there’s absolutely no southern hospitality, and everything is expensive! I’m in for a treat this summer! :~)

Anyway, it’s time to start the new season of Orange is the New Black and then sleep for the big day tomorrow. Keep coming back for more updates!


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